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    Cutting tool breakage make you annoy? Tool wear digitalization can help you

    It is believed that many people have encountered the situation of tool breakage for CNC. During the cutting process, the wear of tool holders will cause unstable cutting conditions and seriously affect cutting tool life. It may also lead to poor cutting quality or even a breakage tool, and a broken workpiece finally. There are many internal factors that will affect tool life. How to monitor the wear assessment and predict useful life?


    What is wear and tool life?

    During the cutting process, the combined result is generated by the physical and chemical action of heat and friction, called “tool wear”.

    The cutting time passing by before tool damaged is known as “tool life”.

    The predetermined value of the tool wear level is mainly used as the judgment basis. In production, the life and working hours are often determined according to the processing conditions.

    Why do cutting tools wear out? What factors affect the lifespan of cutting tools?

    There are many reasons for cutting tool wear. In addition to wear caused by prolonged cutting operations, wear can also result from increased cutting forces and temperatures. Factors that affect the lifespan of cutting tools can be divided into internal and external factors. Internal factors include the material of the cutting tool, the tool's coatings, and its dimensions. External factors include clamping forces, cutting parameters, workpiece materials, tool holder wear, machine equipment condition, and the choice of cutting fluid. All of these factors can impact the longevity of cutting tools. Through long-term data accumulation and analysis, the most suitable information for the current process can be determined, allowing cutting tools to achieve maximum efficiency and reduce unnecessary costs.

    【Learn More 】What factors influencing tool life and tool wear?

    How to evaluate wear and monitor product life?

    From the picture, when using different material with the same cutting tool, cutting parameters and conditions, we can accurately know the relationship between the number of cuts and the life.

    Blue line: The cutting force is equal and stable.

    Red line: The overall cutting force is equal; however, the force of each time is unstable.

    Purple line: The cutting force of each time is significantly increased. Comparing to other materials, it has the shortest life or the conditions such as cutting tools and parameters don’t meet the usage of this material.

    Under a specific force, it means the balance between its processing parameter adaptability and tool life is good if the force repeatability of each cut is equally micro-growth.

    However, as the growth rate begins to increase, it will appear more and more unstable cutting forces in the subsequent processing process, which also means that the quality of the workpieces processed in the future will be more and more different.

    Eventually, we will find that this unstable force rises sharply until it exceeds the load and the tool breakage, so we can accurately predict the signs before the tool breakage from these remarkable data.

    Main photo by cottonbro from Pexels
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