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    Increase your gross profit in CNC turning process ! Smart machining helps you maximize your benefits!

    The technology and skill of turning are actually pretty mature in the machining industry, but the OEM profit is relatively low. If the turning efficiency can be optimized to the extreme, it can save more machining time and cost, and even avoid the risk of any waste generation.


    How To Optimize CNC Turning Process

    The key indicators of the machining efficiency of the machine are nothing more than the line speed (VC), depth (AP), and feed (F). Generally, an experienced CNC operator can quickly optimize the above three conditions, but the machine types, model, raw materials, tool types, thin-walled parts, and chip breaking, and even with turning and milling machines, could all have different turning processing in different ways. So how could we achieve the optimization of turning in the shortest possible time so that we could achieve the most ideal gross profit?

    Holographic data from smart cutting

    The above picture is the holographic data presented by the smart tool holder. Among them, 42CRMO4 is a common material of steel. It can be seen that no matter which feeds rate is used from F = 0.1 to F = 0.3, it can maintain great and steady turning force, no resonance, or irregular and unstable force, and the maximum cutting force is 4150Nm. At this time, you can do cross-analysis from the direction of improving AP depth or recording the life of the tool.

    Turning with fixed feed rate

    In the example above, under the same conditions, fixed feed rate f=0.2 and using different depths of cut, the increase in cutting benefit can also be calculated from ap=1 to ap=3, and the maximum cutting force is 4500Nm. Assuming that in the state of supplying cutting fluid, if the comprehensive force exceeds 5000Nm, it will be a factor of poor surface quality or a sharp decrease in tool life. As long as the smart turning tool is used to monitor the cutting force in real-time, it can be used in various turning processes of the workpiece; meanwhile, maintaining the turning force stability to machine material 42CrMo4 during all transitions from all shapes, thin-wall parts, natural resonance, entry point to the turning path, it also prevents dull tool that causes abnormally exceeding of turning force, even the lathe can withstand rigidity.

    Machining with the same turning parameters

    The above picture is an example of the inner diameter turning of thin-wall parts. It can be seen that under the same turning parameters, the turning force of process 2 after chatter is higher than that of process 1, which means that the tool life of process 2 is reduced due to cutting vibration. The reduction results in poor surface roughness of the inner diameter of the workpiece, so it is necessary to improve the optimization of the clamping of the jig.

    Turning parameters of different materials

    In several cases we stated before, we also use standard turning parameters to compare different materials, which are Inconel718, 42CRMO4, and TI6424. We can see that the cut force state of the three materials is uniform and stable. Inconel718 cannot be machined with the same parameters. We can see from the figure that the cutting force of Inconel is very unstable and there is a tendency to gradually grow worse. The life of the tool may be exhausted instantly. There is no production capacity at all, and the parameters need to be reduced.

    The main picture provided by Adobestock

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