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    What is turning? Turning quality can also be visualized

    Generally speaking, in the processing field of turning, it is relatively easy to get started in terms of technology, equipment, and processes. Of course, the profit that turning could bring to shop owners is always considered, so we usually pay more attention to efficiency. Today we will discuss how turning can quickly optimize machining speed and quality.


    What is CNC turning?

    Generally speaking, in the processing field of turning, it is relatively easy to get started in terms of technology, equipment, and processes. Of course, the profit that turning could bring to shop owners is always considered, so we usually pay more attention to efficiency. Today we will discuss how turning can quickly optimize machining speed and quality.

    Can the quality of the turning also be visualized?

    For example, we can use the bending force to capture a very stable force during the cutting process. Through the orange and green lines in the left picture, we can clearly know the magnitude of this force. This signal is very smooth and detailed, and comprehensively reflects the rigidity of the machine tool with the applicability of turning parameters, if both the tool and machine rigidity can withstand many strange workpiece contours, we can quickly get the load limit, which means that faster machining time and tool limit can be exchanged for the profit from machining workpiece.
    If the signal is like a blue line, it will be found that the stability of the turning force is not good, and these unstable forces will gradually increase during the cutting process, indicating that this parameter has exceeded the limit of machine rigidity or tool life. If the blue line only has a trend of increasing cutting force, but the force is very stable, it means that the parameters are suitable and the blade needs to be changed.

    Sometimes when turning reaches to certain linear speed, strange vibration marks will be generated, and if these vibration marks occur in the inner hole, it will be very annoying.

    For the example in the above figure, the processing of a thin aluminum wheel requires surface quality and processing efficiency. In the process of mass production, the tool will gradually wear out, and the turning force will increase during the process of loss. Such resistance will have a resonance with the feed.

    Through the blue signal in the picture on the right, the abnormal chattering force of the inner hole of the thin piece can be known, which ranges from 6-58Nm. If we convert the tool length span and cutting force, we can also know the height difference of surface roughness on this surface. and it can also quickly know that this section of feed needs to be corrected for the inapplicability of the old tool.
    There is also a very interesting phenomenon in this figure. The orange signal line is the general stable cutting force. With processing the same part, the blue signal with chatter is slightly higher than the orange signal at the end, which can be clearly seen that after the turning tool has chattered, the tool life has been slightly reduced. This is the only visual signal that can be shown when monitoring the turning force in real-time.

    The main picture provided by Capri23auto from Pixabay

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