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    How to use data to get the best tool clamping force?

    In the ever-changing tool types, there are various tool diameters and corresponding processing materials, and they also need to meet the effective rigidity of machine tool equipment, motor matching, and avoidance of natural frequencies. Through smart cutting, clear and intuitive data can be presented, no need to stare hard at the machining process, but also know how much the locking torsion of the tool should be increased from the increasing rate of cutting force or change a different clamping method.


    Tool clamping force

    Clamping force means the clamping force of the tool holder to the tool, which is usually measured in Nm, Newton meters. It is positively related to the knife being tighter.

    Under severe cutting conditions, slippage or looseness is called "tool drop". Therefore, under different cutting conditions, different clamping forces must be used to ensure the machining quality, cutting tool and machine spindle lifespan.

    The importance of clamping force

    •  Protect the life of the machine spindle: if the clamping force is not suitable, and the processing conditions are severe, it is easy to cause large vibration, and lead to obvious damage to the front end bearing and affect the accuracy. Damage may occur, as well as maintenance and downtime costs.

    • Machining surface roughness and accuracy : Under the same conditions, when the clamping force is wrong, it will cause surface roughness or poor accuracy as mentioned above with wrong clamping force or cause excessive cutting force even tool drop, which causes damage to the machine eventually.

    • Protect and prolong tool life: the speed of wear will be accelerated when the tool corresponds to the inappropriate clamping force, even the entire tool will become unusable. See the example below for details.

    Conditions for tool locking torsion

    First, there are several conditions need to be considered.

    Taking the collet type tool holder as an example, different collet specifications respond to different tool diameters and corresponding locking torsions, but they will match the rigidity and rotational speed of the machine tool according to the material characteristics of the tool itself with different locking torsions. If you only insist on "locking to the tightest", the structure of the tool holder will be damaged, and the cutting quality will not be improved. If the holder is locked too tightly, it will cause rapid wear of the teeth.

    The stress concentration of the shrinkage collet type tool deformation will directly damage the accuracy from the contact surface, and it will also be found that the tool deflection will only be worse if the tool is locked too tightly, so making good use of the torsion wrench is the first requirement.

    How much torsion value should the torque wrench set to be reasonable? What if the locking force be insufficient?

    Take the following picture as an example, the cutting state of the first four pictures from left to right of the cutting model seems to be stable, only the third picture may have chattering phenomenon, and the fifth picture shows a sudden overload of force. At this time, the tool has already stuck in the workpiece in fact, it may cause slippage and friction welding due to insufficient tool clamping force.

    From the picture below, the circled part has always been the most worrying place under large cutting volumes. The smart cutting can prevent the possibility of equipment breaking or slight collision before this phenomenon occurs. Let’s see what happens before the tool slips.

    In fact, even if the tool is stable during the cutting process, the smart cutting has detected that the tool is gradually being slipping during the process. From the three polar diagrams above, we can know that the cross-center line of the tool model has begun to rotate. This rotation is the slipping movement between the tool and the holder, so the model of the polar diagram changes. It is conceivable that during the cutting process not only the surface roughness is not good, but also there is abnormal vibration, which causes the temperature of the tool to rise rapidly until the tool breaks on the workpiece. On the other hand, these processes were presented with clear and intuitive data, no need to stare hard at the processing process, but also know how much the locking torsion of the tool should be increased through the increase of cutting force or changing a different clamping method.

    Photo by photographer: cottonbro, link: Pexels

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