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    Is your grinding quality good? How to monitor it?

    Grinding is a commonly used processing method, which can obtain higher workpiece density and surface quality. Different grinding methods will produce different grinding defects. The most influential factor is the grinding wheel, but it is difficult to directly see its current status, let's see what can we do.


    Grinding and Grinding Wheels

    Grinding is a machining method. Different from cutting, grinding uses a "grinding wheel". Using the abrasive particles on the tool to process the surface of the workpiece under a certain pressure, the composition of the grinding wheel consists of three major elements, abrasives, binders, and pores, they all have different functions.

    Abrasive is the part that directly cuts the workpiece, the binder is attached to the abrasive, and the pores can dissipate heat and remove chips. In the action of grinding, the mechanism overcomes the chain force inside the solid material, and the size and shape of the ground material will change.

    characteristics of grinding

    Grinding can play a role in high-speed machining when processing soft or easy-to-machine materials and can conform to complex workpiece shapes. Grinding has several advantages, such as abrasives that are harder than workpieces, so it can process harder materials. It is the abrasive particles that can be continuously generated, and the tool needs to be replaced after passivation, but the grinding wheel has a "self-sharpening effect", and finally the grinding speed is fast, and the simultaneous action of countless tool tips can have a high processing rate.

    Finally, the grinding speed is fast, and the simultaneous action of countless tool tips can have a high processing rate.

    Sensing the grinding status

    Generally, the traditional grinding method uses torsion and vibration to observe, but because the characteristics of the grinding wheel in contact with the workpiece are the dense random structure created by the emery and the binder, the grinding force during the grinding process is very complicated, and it also makes it more difficult to see significant conditions in torque and vibration sensing than direct force sensing.

    How to know the status of grinding?

    This example is provided by CERATIZIT Europe. It shows the bottleneck they encountered in researching its own tool products, until all cutting experiments are digitized using smart tool handles, and the grinding products can be improved better.

    Taking the above picture as an example, through two sets of grinding experiments, we can see the red and blue torsion line graphs, the grinding force of the red line graph is much higher than that of the blue one.

    However, even if the two sets of data show a very stable processing state, if only the torque or even the FFT is displayed, the cause of the continuous generation in the processing process will not be seen. We could only know the result of the force increase, and the rest has no way of knowing.

    While grinding, we may know that the grinding status is not good, and there will be a large and unstable grinding force, but there are too many factors for poor grinding, and it is impossible to identify.

    According to the polar plot in the above figure, it can be very intuitive to see the state of grinding, such as grinding wheel threshing, out-of-roundness, poor dressing, poor dressing, poor surface quality, poor fixture locking, uneven grinding force, and even directly reflect the surface roughness between grinding.
    The above picture is an example of the red signal converted into a polar plot, you can easily see the phenomenon of poor surface quality.

    With the help of the smart tool holder, we can clearly understand the grinding status, then avoid the above-mentioned problems, and even find the problem after the processing is completed, but a lot of money and time costs have been incurred,  and at this point it is irreversible.

    The main picture provided by daniilphotos

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