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    What is a Hardware in the loop system (HIL)? How can it help you?

    Many companies have problems with time-to-market or testing costs in electromechanical development. If they test the prototype when it is completed, it will take a lot of time and cost due to the expensive prototype construction. High watt power during testing is easy to cause industrial safety issues. With the assistance of the Hardware in the loop system (HILS), the cost and safety issues mentioned above will be greatly reduced. So, what is HIL exactly?


    What is a Hardware in the loop system (HILS)?

    Hardware in the loop system (HILS-Hardware in the loop system) refers to the development and testing technology applied for real-time embedded systems, while HIL provides a dynamic system model, which can simulate the real system environment, and then add related Mathematical representation of dynamic systems (controlled device simulation). Then connect it to the simulation system platform through the inputs and outputs of the embedded system.

    HIL must include electronic simulation of sensors and actuators, and this electronic simulation is the interface between the embedded system and the simulated controlled device. The value of the sensor will be controlled by the controlled device and read by the embedded system.

    The system reads, the control algorithm can be implemented through the embedded system to be tested, and the control signal of the actuator can be changed, and the change of the control signal can change the control input and internal state of the controlled analog device. The control algorithm can be implemented through the embedded system, also change control signal from the actuator, and the difference of the control signal can change the control input and internal state of the controlled analog device.

    For example, if you want to test an Anti-lock braking system, the HIL simulation platform may have simulated controlled devices for several subsystems, such as the suspension system, wheels, tires, hydraulic components of the brake system, and road characteristics. Through the above system, the situation of Anti-lock braking can be simulated, and then adjustments and improvements can be made.

    HIL system architecture

    HIL's system is mainly composed of three parts, including hardware platform, experiment management software and real-time software model. The hardware platform will provide a variety of real-time processors and I/O boards also ensure that the latest PC technology can also be applied to the system.

    Why the HIL system is necessary?

    Many product projects require a lot of effort and equipment costs, and the development and testing will also affect the time-to-market of the product. In addition, some products have safety considerations, so the Hardware in the loop system is particularly important. Summarize the following three points:

    • Strengthen test quality: The testing range can be increased by HIL, thereby enhancing the quality of testing. Generally, the testing of embedded systems needs to be carried out with real controlled objects, in fact, there will be some restrictions to affect Test areas, such as engine testing, which may put engineers in dangerous environments, and the HIL can effectively control the system and provide a safe testing environment, it allows engineers to focus on the performance of the controller.
    • Tight development schedules: The development schedules related to vehicles, aerospace or military are relatively tight, and it is impossible to test prototypes after building them. If the HIL simulation can be performed when the new development schedule is in progress, it will have a positive impact on the entire schedule.
    • High-burden controlled devices: Some actual controlled devices are more expensive than simulators, such as jet engine manufacturers. if they use the jet engine to test directly, it will cost up to millions of dollars. The price may only need one-tenth if using the HIL simulator.

    For details, please refer to Gathertech

    Main image photo by Mega Trend Slab

    References Wiki / Encyclopedia

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